Develop Your Unshakeable Confidence

September 2, 2023 | Saturday
9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Venue: Tivoli Royale Country Club, Quezon City


Are you ready to tap into the unshakeable confidence within you? Ready to overcome fears, achieve your dreams, and live your best life? If so, this 6-hour learning session is designed just for you!

Elevate Your Playing Field

This isn’t just a workshop; it’s a launchpad to your own success story. We’re here to help you elevate your playing field, to reach heights you’ve only ever dreamed of.

Wear Your Champion Spirit 

We’ll help you tap into that ‘champion spirit’ that’s been waiting to be unleashed. With us, you’ll not only find it, but you’ll wear it proudly everywhere you go.

Ignite Your Motivation

Our workshop is designed to fan the flames of your motivation, turning it into a roaring fire that will drive you towards your goals.

Become a Glow-Getter

We’re here to help you become more than just a go-getter. We want you to be a ‘glow-getter’, someone who not only achieves their goals but inspires others along the way.

Create a Bigger Impact 

We believe that success isn’t just about personal achievement. It’s about creating a bigger impact for others. Our workshop will help you do just that.

Speak with Confidence & Class

We’ll help you master the global language, allowing you to communicate with confidence and class.

This is more than a workshop. It’s a transformation. It’s a journey. It’s an investment in your future.

Are you ready to unleash your inner confidence? Are you ready to live your best life?

About the Facilitator

Kristine Loyola
Confidence Coach

Kristine is dedicated to empowering individuals to unlock their full potential. With over a decade of experience in personal development and leadership training, she has mastered a unique approach that helps her clients tap into their inner strength and unshakeable confidence.

Her passion lies in guiding individuals to overcome self-doubt, embrace their authentic selves, and step into their power. She believes that everyone has a wellspring of confidence within them, waiting to be unleashed. Her mission is to provide the tools, strategies, and support needed to turn that belief into a reality.

She had the privilege of working with a diverse range of clients, from ambitious professionals seeking to climb the corporate ladder, to entrepreneurs ready to take their business to the next level. She has seen firsthand the transformative power of confidence, and she is committed to helping others experience this transformation for themselves. 

Testimonials from Clients

The session with Kristine Loyola was the highlight of the night at the Work Life Project launch meetup. Very empowering!

Jehan Prochina


Kristine Loyola enlightened me. Her expertise and authentic joy in facilitating the discussion is really motivational. I wish that someday, I can have that same energy when I communicate with my customers or with an audience.

Cherrie dela Cruz

Sales Specialist

Kristine Loyola is inspiring me to become a better person. She helped me boost my confidence again. She was very nice and a very good speaker. She has the power to convince you that you can do it!

Sana Domingo

BPO Employee

Wow! Thank you so much for boosting our energy and regaining our confidence level. This is my first time attending this type of session and it helps a lot. Kristine Loyola is a very professional speaker and she was able to explain the essential details that we need.

Angelo Estrella Deo


Why You Should Join

This isn’t just another training program. This is a life-changing experience designed to help you tap into your inner power and develop the kind of confidence that moves mountains.

We’re talking about the kind of confidence that:

  • Makes you stand tall and speak confidently, no matter who’s in the room.
  • Helps you chase your dreams, even when they seem impossible.
  • Allows you to inspire others and make them take action.

It’s time to stop playing small. It’s time to stop letting fear and self-doubt hold you back. It’s time to step into your power and show the world what you’re truly capable of.

And the best part? You won’t be doing it alone. You’ll be joining a community of like-minded individuals who are all on the same journey towards unshakeable confidence.

Your Investment

Investing in this training is more than just a financial decision. It’s a commitment to your future self. It’s a declaration that you’re ready to step into your power and live the life you’ve always dreamed of.

The value of unshakeable confidence is immeasurable. It’s the key that unlocks doors to opportunities, the foundation of every success story, and the driving force behind every dream achieved.

But let’s talk numbers.

For a limited time, we’re offering this life-changing training for just P3,997. That’s around P10 a day over the course of a year – a small price to pay for the transformation that awaits you.

Think about it. How much would you pay to:

  • Overcome your fears and self-doubt?
  • Step into any room with unshakeable confidence?
  • Chase your dreams with unwavering belief in yourself?

We believe that you can’t put a price on confidence. But we also believe that everyone should have access to the tools and strategies needed to develop it. That’s why we’ve priced this training at just P3,997.

But remember, this is more than just a training program. It’s an investment in your future. It’s a commitment to your growth. It’s a step towards the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Are you ready to make that investment? Are you ready to say YES to unshakeable confidence?